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本书仅仅是对科学著作和哲学文献中广为讨论、引人注目的悖论和思想实验的一个汇集。有兴趣进一步钻研的读者请参考最近的Analysis(《分析》)、British Journal For the Philosophy of Science(《英国科学哲学》)、Mind(《心灵》)、Philosophical Studies(《哲学研究》)、和Philosophy of Science(《科学哲学》)等期刊,这是一个很好的入手点。

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[24]Hesse, Mary. “Ramifications of‘Grue’”British Journal For the Philosophy of Science, 20:13~25(1969)

[25]Hofstadter, Douglas R. GöDel, Escher,Bach:An Eternal Golden Braid. New York:Basic Books, 1979

[26]——And Daniel C.Dennett. The Mind’s I. New York:Basic Books, 1981

[27]Hume, David. A Treatise of Human Nature. New York:Penguin, 1986

[28]Jevons, stanley. The Theory of Political Economy .London, 1911

[29]Karp, Richard.“reducibility Among Combinatorial Problems, ”in R.e.Miller And J.W. thatcher,Eds., Complexity of Computer Computations. New York:Plenum Press, 1972

[30]Ladner, R.e.“on the structure of Polynomial time Reducibility, ”Journal of the Association of Computing Machinery, 22:155~171(1975)

[31]Leibniz, GotTFFied. Monadology, trans, by Paul And Anne schrecker.indianapolis:Bobbs-Merrill, 1965

[32]Levitov, Leo. Solution of the Voynich Manuscript:A Liturgical Manual For The Endura Rite Of The Cathari Heresy, The Cult of Isis Laguna Hills, Calif.:Aegean Park Press, 1987

[33]olds, James.“Pleasure Centers in the Brain, ”Scientific American, oct.1956, pp.105~116

[34]Penfield, Wilder.“The Cerebral Cortex in Man, ”Archives of Neurology And Psychiatry, 40:3(sept.1938)

[35]Plato.the Dialogues of Plato, trans.by b.Jowett.New York:random House, 1937

[36]Putnam,Hilary.Mind, Language And Reality. New York:Cambridge University Press, 1975

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[40]rosenthal, Robert. Experimenter Effects in Behavioral Research. New York:Appleton-Century-Crofts, 1966

[41]rucker,rudy. Infinity And the Mind:The Science And Philosophy of the Infinite. Cambridge, Mass.:Birkhauser,1982

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[44]salmon, Wesley, ed. Zeno’s Paradoxes, New York:irvington, 1970

[45]searle, John.“Minds, Brains, And Programs, ”Behavioral And Brain Sciences 3:442~444(1980)

[46]smullyan, Raymond. What Is the Name of This Book?The Riddle of Dracula And Other Logical Puzzles. Englewood Cliffs, n.J.:Prentice-Hall, 1978

[47]——.This Book Needs No Title:A Budget of Living Paradoxes.Englewood Cliffs, n.J.:Prentice-Hall, 1980

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[49]Vonnegut, Kurt, Jr. Cat’s Cradle. New York:Delacorte Press, 1963

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[52]Whitrow,G.J.“on the impossibility of an infinite Past, ”British Journal For the Philosophy of Science, 29:39~45(1978)